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contoh kalimat kantor apostolik

"kantor apostolik" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Though the fullness of the apostolic office with all its prerogatives was not passed down, the bishops, as direct successors to the Apostles, remained at the head of the hierarchy. ↩
    Meskipun kepenuhan kantor apostolik dengan semua hak istimewa yang tidak diturunkan, para uskup, sebagai penerus langsung ke Rasul, tetap di kepala hirarki. ↩
  • The functions of some others were transferred to another office, as the remaining functions of the Apostolic Chancery and those of the Secretariate of Briefs were transferred to the Secretariat of State, and those of the Congregation of Ceremonies to the Prefecture of the Pontifical Household.
    Fungsi-fungsi beberapa departemen lainnya yang dihapus tadi dialihkan ke departemen lainnya, seperti fungsi-fungsi "Kantor Apostolik" (Apostolic Chancery atau Cancelleria Apostolica) dan "Sekretariat Surat-menyurat" dialihkan kepada Sekretariat Negara Tahta Suci, dan fungsi-fungsi "Kongregasi Upacara" dialihkan kepada Kantor Pengawas Rumah Tangga Kepausan.